30 Surprising Health Benefits of Honey - Healthline
30 surprising health benefits of hone
The benefits of honey
Honey is a good energy-giving food. Good source of heat and energy. Honey keeps the body healthy by providing heat and energy to the body.
Honey contains about 45 nutrients. Flower pollen honey contains 25 to 36 percent glucose, 34 to 43 percent fructose, 0.5 to 3.0 percent sucrose and 5-12 percent montose. It also contains 22 percent amino acids, 26 percent mineral salts and 11 percent enzymes. It does not contain fat and protein. 100 grams of honey has 26 calories. Honey contains antibacterial and antimicrobial ingredients including vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, iodine, zinc and copper.
1. Prevents heart disease. Helps blood circulation through dilation of blood vessels and increases cardiac activity;
2. Increases immunity;
3. Cleans and strengthens teeth;
4. Increases eyesight and memory;
5. Honey has antioxidant power, which protects the body from various impacts;
6. Antioxidants prevent cancer and protect cells from free radical damage;
7. Aging comes too late;
8. Sweet calories increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in blood thinners;
9. For those who suffer from anemia, especially women, regular honey consumption is extremely beneficial;
10. Regulates glycogen levels;
11. Beneficial in intestinal diseases. Honey alone can cure various stomach ailments;
12. Beneficial for ulcers and gastric diseases;
13. Very useful for decomposing wounds inside the mouth of vulnerable children;
14. Helps regulate various body secretions and increases warmth;
15. Honey, rich in vitamin-B complex and calcium, strengthens nerves and brain tissue;
16. Honey contains starch digestive enzymes and minerals that play a unique role in keeping hair and skin healthy;
17.Honey relieves constipation;
18. Increases appetite, digestion
and appetite;
19. Purifies the blood;
20. Strengthens the body and lungs;
21. Removes inertia of the tongue;
22. Honey eliminates bad breath;
23. Relieves arthritis pain;
24. Relieves headaches;
25. Increases the body shape and weight of children;
26. Especially useful for sore throats, coughs, asthma and colds;
27. If children are accustomed to eating a small amount of honey every day, their colds, coughs, fevers, etc. do not go away easily;
28. Eliminates physical weakness and prolongs strength;
29. Increases the strength of exercisers;
30. Eating honey raises the body temperature, making the body healthy, fresh and functional.
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