Acne | Remove Acne |  How To Get Rid of Facial Acne - Healthline

  Lots of acne on the face, dandruff on the head, what can I do now?

As there are diseases, there are ways to cure them. The expert doctor answered the question sent by the reader about health and various diseases


I am 18 years old. Lots of acne on the face. The cheeks have become black spots. There is also dandruff on the head. I drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in vitamins. What can I do now?


Doxycycline or azithromycin drugs for acne can be taken under the supervision of a physician. Azelic acid or kojic acid is useful to remove black spots. Use ketoconazole shampoo twice a week to get rid of dandruff. However, he should be taken under the supervision of a medical specialist. 


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